About Us

Sigma Financial Planners are a Partner Practice of St. James's Place PLC, with a combined experience of over 25 years within the industry. 

We provide high-quality financial advice on the various aspects of wealth management; we advise individual clients and businesses from and array of different backgrounds and industries. 

Our experienced Partners can help you chart your financial path through life and onto retirement. We work with our clients to first preserve then help to build wealth with a view to securing long-term prosperity for them and their families. 

Our objective is help you financially prepare for every stage in your life – from funding children’s education or buying a property through to planning a comfortable, prosperous retirement.

Everyone's goals and targets are different, that’s why our Partners listen to your individual specific needs so we know you and what you want to achieve. Once we’re sure that we understand the life goals that matter most to you, we’ll recommend a plan to help you achieve your ambitions. 

We add value by understanding these results, when you want them and how you want to get there. We’ll then aim to grow your investments in a simple, effective and tax-efficient way to help achieve those goals, whilst also accounting for tax-efficiency for when you would like to use these funds.

Our robust planning doesn’t stop there. An important part of any successful and well planned financial approach is ongoing financial advice. This is essential and a core part of our clients’ journey and a proactive way in which we can continue to understand your everchanging needs and requirements. 

We also assist businesses in key areas of corporate planning such as pensions, a range of protection products as well as other areas of corporate tax planning.

The value of an investment with St. James's Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds selected and may fall as well as rise.  You may get back less than the amount invested.

The levels and bases of taxation and reliefs from taxation can change at any time and are dependent on individual circumstances.